Violet’s Wonderful Life

Violet's Wonderful Life


When I was a kid, back in the dark ages, I was actively encouraged to go play outside as much as possible. When it rained, though, I got to stay inside and watch movies on TV. Sometimes I even lucked out and something really good was on, like Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The thing I thought was wonderful about this movie was that the people were so very real. Down to the smallest detail—which having seen the movie so many times I really noticed. Like Violet. She was always a little bit of a flirt, in a fun sort of way, tossing her hair, swinging her hips, that kind of thing. In the end, it wasn’t just George Bailey’s life that was improved, but all those people he touched, including Violet. This lacy tee is just the sort of thing I envision Violet choosing to throw on when she wanted to look extra special without a lot of extra effort.

Violet’s Wonderful Life is an all-over lace tee that is knit in the round from hem to armholes. Stitches are added for the cap sleeves, and front and back are worked flat to the shoulders.

Pattern details
  • Yarn: 750, 825, 900 [1025, 1100, 1200] yards.
  • Model: Anzula Ava in Garnet in 40.75 in finished chest; Theresa’s chest is 34.5 inches; 330 yards in 112 grams; 80% superwash merino, 10% cashmere, 10% nylon.
  • Needles: US 4 (3.5 mm) needles for gauge, and US 3 (3.25 mm) for bands.
  • Gauge: 21 sts and 35 rows to 4 inches in stitch pattern, lightly blocked.
  • Finished size: 36.25, 38.5, 40.75 [45.25, 47.5, 50] inches.
  • Stitch instructions: Charted and written.
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